Why Are Anime and Manga So Obsessed With “Blue Spring”?

It's partially a language thing, partially something else... After starting to watch Blue Thermal (Buru- Sa-maru), since I narrowly missed out on watching it with Jon Spencer and friends thanks to a work shift, that brought me back to a thought that's been nagging me for a while - why "blue spring"? I mean, there's... Continue Reading →

Why, As Anime and Manga Fans, We Should Learn to Rely on Others (+ Announcement)

...yes, even if you're a Japanese translator of the highest degree. It's a bit boring to keep discussing gender and politics whenever I want to discuss something deep, so let's turn our attention to something a bit more broad - being able to rely on others. What do I mean by this? Well, we aren't... Continue Reading →

(Irregular) Manga Reads

Where I shoot the breeze on what I've read recently, much like this post. Note I read a lot of Bookwalker digital manga from my backlog while I was sick with COVID over the 2024 new year period, so I'm definitely not covering everything I read since the last time I talked about manga on... Continue Reading →

Why I Love Hypnosis Mic

I love HypMic because of its banger tunes. It's not a music project without bangers and Hypnosis Mic brings the goods in this department! Whether you want tunes to dance to or mellow tunes to study to, HypMic has a song for every mood and then some. I love HypMic for its complex plotline and... Continue Reading →

Striker vs Spriggan (1998 Movie)

I happened to pick up the first volume of Striker - yup, that old Viz version of Spriggan which came out about 20 years ago - from my thrift shop exploits. The biggest differences between Striker and Spriggan are Rie and Jean. Who's Rie? Rie, a teen genius anthropologist (...and Yu's childhood friend, because anime... Continue Reading →

The Next Generation Sequel

Inspired by/adapted from a comment I made on this post. I've seen a few next gen sequels (Soul Eater Not, Fruits Basket Another, Yashahime etc.), but never to the end. It's particularly egregious in manga format - it's just that a lot of the sequels never get picked up for anime adaptions, because in TV... Continue Reading →

8 Ways to Watch More Anime

We're (almost) all in it to watch more, right? Parading around one’s anime list can be a real badge of honour sometimes and the mind boggles at some of the numbers some of these anime list users can put in...So how do they do it? There are many methods and people who watch a lot... Continue Reading →

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