One Liner Challenge

Thanks to Scott for the invitation to do this tag post.

Rules, schmules…

1) Accept and thank your challenger(s) by linking back to their post.
2) Make a post of one-sentence summaries and/or roasts of at least five anime.
3) No spoilers!
4) Link back to The Awkward Book Blogger so she can see your post.
5) Challenge as many or as little people as you want!
6) Have fun!

Net-juu no Susume

Cute dorks figure out their feelings both on- and offline.

In a time before Platelets, this is what we called “cute”…Or maybe we’re just agreeing with Kanbe (green-haired guy) as we stare at these chibis… (Source: Netjuu no Susume eyecatch)

Houseki no Kuni

Sentient rocks do battle (and explore their world while they’re at it).

Mob Psycho 100

Y’know, for a show about two psychic brothers, it’s kinda awkward that the one who steals the show is one of the brothers’ mentor…(enough that he got his own recap episode, to boot).

Still waiting for season 2 so I can give these boys the love they deserve. (Source: Mob Psycho 100 Reigen OVA)

The Morose Mononokean

Two dudes, one fuzzball and one girl exorcise monsters-wait, there’s a second season on the way?!

Exhibit A: One morose-looking Master of the Mononokean. Unfortunately, his name isn’t “Mononokean”, it’s Haruitsuki Abeno… (Source: Morose Mononokean ep 1 eyecatch)

Hataraku Maou-sama!

The Devil will conquer Earth…but first, he has to figure out how to fix the fryer.

Double Decker! Doug and Kirill

You’ve never been this excited to see drug addicts get their medicine before.

Our heroes, everyone! (Source: Double Decker! OP)

Bonus (since this is just me rehashing my impressions post):

Zombieland Saga

The two don’t have as much crossover as you think they do…

I’m pretty sure every blogger I know has done it before, so I’m not going to nominate anyone. If you haven’t done it yet, feel free to call it a nomination from me though.

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